Getting rid of the recurring yeast infection or chronic Candida can be a tough job. It is not only annoying to experience the same problem more than once, but also can expose you to other health disorders like urinary tract infection and diabetes. Women who are already diabetic tend to be more vulnerable to recurring yeast infection. Recurring yeast infection is mainly associated with the people who experience the problem multiple numbers of times in a given year.

Natural cure for the problem is the most sought after treatment as there are no risks of side effects associated with the same. The problem of recurring yeast infection can be cured easily with some of the common natural herbs. Here the helpful herbs:

a)    Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil is considered to be an effective treatment for the recurring yeast infection. Use the tea tree oil with the help of tampon and place the same inside the vagina. Usage for more than 2 days will result in the complete cure from the problem.

b)    Yoghurt: Yoghurt can be used with a tampon to cure your vagina from the itchy yeast infection. Yoghurt has natural bacteria that tend to restore the normal bacterial balance in the vagina while restricting the overgrowth of yeast. Thus, you are saved from the problem of recurring yeast infection.

c)    Honey: This is also a very effective natural cure for recurring yeast infection and the reason is pretty simple- honey can bring the down the degree of infection from the first use itself.

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