Yeast infections are common in women. The itching, stinging, burning sensation as well as burning discharge is quite unpleasant. The condition may hinder your ability to carry out your day to day activities, thereby leading to embarrassment.

In addition to identifying the causes that lead to yeast infections, you need to also follow a chronic yeast infection diet that contains a rich source of acidic foods. Including acidophilus supplements in your dietary intake is of utmost importance. In other words you can say that yeast infection can be prevented with the help of a yeast infection diet.

If you suffer from yeast infection then it may turn out to be time consuming as well as expensive to bear up with the treatment. Yeast infections prevent you from exercising, carrying out routine activities, as well as acquiring an adequate sleep. Hence, the only option that you have in your hands is to prevent yeast infection.

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You need to start off by consuming a diet that is low in carbohydrates as well as sugar content. Maintain a safe distance from refined foods because they comprise of simple sugars on which yeast are likely to feed. Be sure that your routine dietary intake includes lean meats, whole grains as well as other proteins together with vegetable and fruits.

In addition to this, you need to also include yoghurt into your dietary intake. If you eat unsweetened acidophilus yoghurt on routine basis, then you are sure to prevent yeasty environment of your vagina.

The antifungal property of garlic also helps in preventing chronic yeast infection. Don’t eat fermented foods such as cheeses alcohol, and peanut butter if you suffer from chronic yeast infections. With right chronic yeast infection diet, you are sure to prevent chronic yeast infection.

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